Your Journey Isn’t Over…
Change is constant in life, just because you’re stuck in life right now, doesn’t mean you won’t get out or that your life won’t change. Just like seasons are bound to change, your journey is far from over. Keep going!…

Why Successful Love Requires Vulnerability
We can state the matter starkly: we cannot be good lovers if we don’t know how to be vulnerable. Sign up to our mailing list to receive 10% off your first order with us: For books and more from The…

A Reminder to Not Give Up Yet
Change is the only constant in this world. No matter what you’re going through right now, you’ll come out stronger in the end, so don’t give up. Not yet… —————————————————————- For more information, do visit

Finding Love Journaling Affirmations #shorts
Journal with us #7 We are social beings and we ought to build relationships with others. What’s the point of having a loveless relationship? Use these 5 affirmations to attack love and affection back in your life. #shorts —————————————————————- For…

Inner Peace Journaling Affirmations #shorts
Journal with us #5 Inner peace is very important for our overall well being. Manifest inner peace with these affirmations while you journal with us. #shorts —————————————————————- For more information, do visit