How to Know If You Have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
If you or someone you know exhibits symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD, it’s important to get a diagnosis. The first step is to find a health care professional that’s qualified to do an evaluation.
Doctors use the criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, to diagnose ADHD. They’ll talk to you and other people in your life to get a full picture of your condition.
What Are The Symptoms Of ADHD
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a complex neurodevelopmental condition that can affect your ability to live a healthy life. ADHD symptoms include inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity.
Inattention is a common symptom in children with ADHD, and it can look like a hard time paying attention or forgetting something. It can also mean trouble finishing work tasks, or staying organized.
Interruptiveness is another common symptom in kids with ADHD. It can look like a child who is constantly interrupting parents, teachers, siblings, or classmates.
The inattentive type of ADHD can affect adults, as well. It can look like a tendency to focus on things that aren’t interesting or stimulating, and it can cause a person to become bored quickly.
Causes Of ADHD
If you have a daughter with ADHD, it can be difficult to understand what is causing her behaviors. But you need to know that there are three possible causes of the disorder: genetics, biology, and chemistry.
Inattention: The most common symptom of ADHD is difficulty paying attention. It can be frustrating to watch your child’s focus and concentration slip as she daydreams, listens poorly, or gets bored easily.
This type of inattention can cause problems with school work, including trouble focusing on details and making careless mistakes. It also can result in issues with organizing and completing tasks.
Getting Diagnosed With ADHD
If you have been experiencing symptoms of ADHD, it’s important to seek a diagnosis. Getting a proper diagnosis can help you manage your condition, and lead a better quality of life.
Symptoms of ADHD can be hard to detect, so it’s important to get a professional diagnosis as soon as you notice them. This will allow you to start treatment as soon as possible, which can have a big impact on your life.
The process of diagnosing ADHD involves a series of tools and scales used by mental health professionals. These include ADHD symptom checklists, standardized behavior rating scales and information gathered from family members and caregivers.
Risk Factors Of ADHD
There are many risk factors that can increase the chances of a person developing ADHD. These can include genetics, environmental factors, and chance events.
There is strong evidence that genes play a significant role in the development of ADHD. Several studies have shown that children with ADHD have a higher number of certain genes than do children without the disorder.
Similarly, there is also strong evidence that family history of ADHD increases the risk of developing it. For example, first-degree relatives of people with ADHD have a 3 to 5 times increased risk.
Other factors that can contribute to the development of ADHD include toxins in the environment during childhood, low birth weight, and prenatal complications. There is also evidence that maternal smoking during pregnancy can increase a child’s risk of developing ADHD.
Complications Of ADHD
Although ADHD can be a treatable condition, untreated symptoms can cause problems in your daily life. This includes problems with school, relationships, and work.
People with ADHD may also have depression and anxiety, both of which can make it harder for them to concentrate or control impulsive behavior. They may also have trouble getting along with their spouse or other close friends.
Adults with ADHD are more likely to develop other mental health disorders than people without the disorder. They also have a higher risk of early death than people who do not have ADHD.