How to Know If You Have ADHD
ADHD is a condition that can impact a person’s life in many ways. Getting a proper diagnosis of this disorder can be the first step toward treatment.
The American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), sets the criteria for diagnosing ADHD in adults. Adults with ADHD must demonstrate at least five of the symptoms in both the hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive categories.
What Are The Symptoms Of ADHD
If you have ADHD, you may experience a variety of symptoms. These may include inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity.
In children, inattention can look like trouble paying attention in class or forgetting to do homework. Adults with inattention also might have a hard time finishing work tasks or keeping up with bills and paperwork.
People with ADHD can have difficulty managing their executive functions–their ability to focus and organize thoughts and actions. Managing these skills can help you complete tasks, stay organized and control your behavior across time.
Experts are not sure what causes ADHD, but they know that the disorder affects how your brain structures its connections. This could be related to a genetic component, or it might be because you have differences in your brain chemistry.
Causes Of ADHD
ADHD is a disorder caused by differences in brain development and functioning. These neurological differences can result from environmental risks, fetal exposure to toxic substances during pregnancy, and genetic factors.
Children with ADHD often have problems concentrating and paying attention, as well as being hyperactive or impulsive. This can affect their schoolwork, social relationships and even their job performance.
Symptoms are caused by dysregulation of the frontal lobe, basal ganglia, caudate nucleus and cerebellum. These areas are responsible for executive functions, which include inhibition, working memory, planning, verbal regulation, motor control, maintaining and changing mental sets and emotional regulation.
Symptoms can be difficult to treat or change, especially when they begin in childhood. It’s important to get a proper diagnosis so that treatment can be effective.
Getting Diagnosed With ADHD
If you have symptoms of ADHD, the first step is to get a diagnosis. This can be intimidating but ultimately it will lead to better outcomes.
Diagnosing your child requires a medical professional to evaluate your child and their symptoms. This may include a physical exam and cognitive tests to determine the type of ADHD your child has.
Getting diagnosed is important for your child because it can help them get the right treatment to manage their symptoms. Treatment options can range from medication to behavioral therapy.
There are many different professionals who can diagnose ADHD, including psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists and neurologist. It is important to find a professional who has experience diagnosing ADHD.
Risk Factors Of ADHD
While no one has a clear understanding of the exact causes of ADHD, there are a number of risk factors that may contribute to the development of the disorder. These risk factors include prenatal and perinatal exposures, such as lead in the environment, as well as family and genetic issues.
Having a parent or sibling with ADHD has also been shown to increase your chances of developing the condition. In fact, children with a parent or sibling with ADHD have about a 50 percent chance of having it themselves.
Research shows that there is a strong inherited component to the condition, but non-inherited factors are also important. This includes environmental risks and chance events, such as de novo genetic changes that are common in people with ADHD.
Complications Of ADHD
ADHD symptoms can cause a number of problems in your life. You may struggle with relationships, school performance, substance abuse, delinquency, and even job loss.
In addition to these issues, ADHD can also lead to poor physical health. You’re more likely to get sick and have problems with your immune system.
You might also have trouble managing your finances. You might run into debt because of impulsive spending or missed payments.
ADHD is a common childhood-onset condition that persists into adulthood in up to 65% of children and adolescents. It is important to get treated for ADHD in order to avoid lifelong negative consequences.