How to Know If You Have ADHD


how to know if you have adhd

How to Know If You Have ADHD

ADHD can affect anyone at any age, but it often starts in childhood. That means if you had attention and concentration problems as a child, you might still have them as an adult.

Doctors diagnose ADHD based on a thorough history and a list of symptoms that show up over time. They also look at how your symptoms impact your life.

What Are The Symptoms Of ADHD

ADHD is characterized by a number of symptoms that interfere with the daily functioning of an individual. These include inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.

Inattention is the most common symptom in children and teens with ADHD. An inattentive child may not pay attention when reading or doing school work, or make careless mistakes.

Inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity are most noticeable in young children with ADHD, but can change over time as a person ages. As a child grows into an adolescent, they might still have trouble focusing and remembering things, but may be less hyperactive and more restless or fidgety.

Causes Of ADHD

It’s not clear why the brain doesn’t develop at the same rate in people with ADHD, but there are some factors that can increase the risk. For example, some people might be exposed to lead or other toxins in their environment, and some women may have used drugs while pregnant.

Whether ADHD is caused by a genetic predisposition or environmental factors, treatment can help children and adults get their life back on track. Medication is usually a part of the treatment plan, which can involve a doctor, psychiatrist, paediatrician or psychologist.

Symptoms can be difficult to spot and often don’t show up until later childhood or the teenage years. These are times when kids have more schoolwork and go through social and emotional changes.

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Getting Diagnosed With ADHD

Your child has trouble paying attention, staying focused and following directions. You feel that their lack of focus is causing them problems at school and work.

ADHD is a serious condition and can have lasting impacts on the person’s life, both personally and professionally. Therefore, it’s important to get an accurate diagnosis so that you can begin a treatment plan right away.

A good doctor will start the process with a thorough clinical interview to gather information about your symptoms and medical history. This is often followed by a neuropsychological assessment.

Risk Factors Of ADHD

Although ADHD is genetically heritable, non-genetic factors have also been linked to it. This includes being exposed to environmental toxins (alcohol, drugs, nicotine, etc) during pregnancy, low birth weight, preterm delivery, and neonatal disease.

Another risk factor is the level of family socioeconomic status (SES). A study has shown that children from families with lower SES are more likely to have ADHD. However, this is a correlation and not cause and effect.

Complications Of ADHD

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a complex, heritable condition that is caused by neurological imbalances. The chemical messengers that travel throughout the brain – neurotransmitters – are affected by ADHD, causing behavioural changes.

ADHD symptoms can range from inattentiveness to impulsiveness or hyperactivity. They can also affect social and academic life.

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